When it comes to school choice, many automatically assume that members of the white, Republican, upper class are the ones pushing for the issue.
Just the opposite is true.
As school choice expert Corey DeAngelis explains in a recent interview, it’s actually the Black Democrats who strongly support school choice—in fact they’re likely the ones who are making the difference and putting pro-school choice candidates into office!
“You look at the polling from my home state of Texas—the biggest supporters of school choice in the poll were Black Democrats,” DeAngelis says. “So, I mean the union narrative is completely backwards.”
Perhaps that shouldn’t surprise us, however, for as DeAngelis goes on to explain, the unions have been against school choice for years, so much so, that they fought school choice because they wanted to continue segregating Blacks:
If you think about it, in the 1950s, the unions actually locked arms with staunch segregationists against school vouchers because they knew getting an opportunity for students who didn’t have it before would lead to more racial integration and socioeconomic integration….
In other words, don’t let anyone ever tell you you’re racist for supporting school choice. Historically speaking, it’s the other way around.
Corey DeAngelis is coming to Minnesota September 19 (St. Cloud) and 20 (Twin Cities)! You won’t want to miss these enlightening evenings as Corey talks about the parent revolution sweeping our nation and the empowering path forward for American families through school choice!
Image Credit: Pexels