In the last five years, statewide reading proficiency has dropped from 59.2% to 49.9%. Statewide math proficiency has dropped from 55% to 45.5%. Statewide science proficiency has dropped from 50.7% to 39.2%. In essence, proficiency has dropped roughly 10 percentage points in the last five years.

During that same time period, statewide graduation rates have flatlined, measuring consistently at 83% every year.

So proficiency rates are falling massively, but graduation rates are staying the same? Clearly, the system is broken.
Consider further what many of the districts around the state are spending per student:
- Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools = $18,566 per student
- Minnetonka Public Schools = $19,535 per student
- Osseo Public Schools = $20,117 per student
- Rochester Public Schools = $20,940 per student
- Brainerd Public Schools = $22,142 per student
- Edina Public Schools = $22,682 per student
- Lakeville Area Schools = $25,003 per student
- Saint Paul Public Schools = $25,474 per student
This is just a small sample of the districts around the state, but if this many are sporting such high numbers, other districts are likely similar, which means that Minnesota taxpayers are paying a fortune for a very small return on investment in terms of academic outcomes. Clearly, the system is broken.
Which leads us to the quote below by C.S. Lewis:

One could easily argue that the numbers above from Minnesota’s schools show that the state is clearly on the wrong road when it comes to education. So if we want progress, perhaps it’s time to turn around and try something else. Put simply, perhaps it’s time to try school choice.
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