As you consider groups to support on Giving Tuesday, please take a moment to look at the chart below on reading proficiency in the Twin Cities.
Keep in mind, the numbers are straight from the Minnesota Department of Education’s 2024 assessments and the school districts are sorted by 10th-grade reading proficiency, from highest to lowest.

It’s stunning, nearly HALF of the school districts in the Twin Cities have 50% or fewer of their students proficient in reading, which means the kids are struggling to read or cannot.
Worse, that’s for high school sophomores!
The most important thing to understand when considering the horrifyingly low reading proficiency in the Twin Cities is that the Minnesota Department of Education, public school administrators, teachers’ unions, local media, governor, and many of our legislators are very aware of the collapse in reading proficiency.
The people who should be ringing the alarm bell and who are in positions of power to make changes are ignoring the crisis because the system serves them.
It’s not just unacceptable, it’s thoroughly unjust.
We need a revolution in education that puts parents and families back in the driver’s seat. We need an education system that serves the students, not the adults. We need School Choice!
That’s what OAK is all about: A new education funding system that gives parents the freedom and resources to escape failing school districts and find the best education for their children.
We need you to do it.
Please consider a year-end, tax-deductible donation of $100, $250, $500, or $1,000 to help OAK go on the offensive for students and families across Minnesota.
Your financial support will help us continue to keep parents informed and active, work with legislators to achieve school choice, and be Minnesota’s advocate for School Choice.
We are up against powerful, entrenched forces who do not want change because the system serves them.
Contribute today to help achieve School Choice and create a system that serves students and families.
Image Credit: Pexels