Thirteen states across America have already passed #SchoolChoice through Education Savings Accounts (ESAs)!
It’s time Minnesota does the same to free students trapped in failing schools and empower parents with the freedom to send their kids to the right schools.
If you want #SchoolChoice in Minnesota, one great way to get involved is by attending your party caucus today: Tuesday, February 27.
Once there, be an advocate for #SchoolChoice through ESAs by promoting an addition to your party’s platform. Details on how to advocate for ESAs for each major party are outlined below.
If your party is the MN GOP, here is the information you need to advocate for #SchoolChoice and Education Savings Accounts (ESAs):
- To find your MN GOP caucus, click here: Secretary of State Caucus Finder
- Here’s the current MN GOP party platform on education:
- Current Plank: Educate our Children – We believe that parents must have choices for their children’s education so that we can better educate, with more effective administration, while emphasizing traditional American values.
- Current Plank: Educate our Children – We believe that parents must have choices for their children’s education so that we can better educate, with more effective administration, while emphasizing traditional American values.
- To submit a resolution to modify the GOP party platform, you’ll need to click here and then scroll down to “Resolutions Form,” which will download the form to your computer as a Word document. You can then click on it, fill it out, print it, and take it with you.
- If you want #SchoolChoice through ESAs, the RED text below represents a simple proposal you can make to modify the MN GOP party plank on education:
- Educate our Children – We believe that parents must have choices for their children’s education, including Education Savings Accounts (ESAs), so that we can better educate, with more effective administration, while emphasizing traditional American values.
If your party is the DFL, here is the information you need to advocate for #SchoolChoice and Education Savings Accounts (ESAs):
- To find your DFL caucus, click here: Secretary of State Caucus Finder
- Here’s the current DFL party platform on education:
- Education – We believe a vigorous and universally available system of public education is a basis to a productive, democratic society.
- We Support:
- A strong system of public education at all levels, with stable funding and equal educational opportunities.
- Academic freedom, student and faculty rights, and church-state separation in public school curriculum and educational funding.
- Moderate class sizes and a safe, suitable environment for both students and teachers.
- A broad curriculum of liberal arts, technology, social issues, vocational, and physical education.
- High standards for teachers and compensation that reflects the responsibilities society places on them.
- Effective services in the areas of health, counseling, careers, and nutrition.
- Publicly accessible, high quality libraries and information systems.
- High quality, well-funded post-secondary education, affordable for everyone.
- Continuing education and adult literacy programs.
- Education – We believe a vigorous and universally available system of public education is a basis to a productive, democratic society.
- To submit a resolution to modify the DFL party platform, you’ll need to print this form: DFL Resolution Form. You can then fill it out, print it, and take it to your caucus.
- If you want #SchoolChoice through ESAs, the RED text below represents a simple proposal you can make to modify the first bullet point under “We Support”:
- A strong system of public education at all levels, with stable funding and equal educational opportunities through Education Savings Accounts for all students.
Why #SchoolChoice?
Many school districts in Minnesota annually are spending $20,000 to $30,000 per student. Some districts are spending even more than $30,000!
Despite the incredible spending, the Minnesota education system simply isn’t working anymore:
- Statewide: 50% of students are NOT reading at grade level
- Statewide: 54% of students are NOT proficient in math
- Statewide: 48% of 10th-grade students are NOT proficient in reading
- Statewide: 64% of 11th-grade students are NOT proficient in math
- 75% of Minnesota parents want the freedom to find the right schools for their kids rather than be trapped in schools based on an address. See the lates polling below by

Sharing about Education Savings Accounts (ESAs)
If you’re asked what an Education Savings Account (ESA) is, we have a great FAQ on the OAK website.
In simple terms, Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) work much like a Health Savings Account (HSA). With an HSA, a portion of an individual’s wages and a possible employer contribution are deposited in the account. Once deposited, the individual can choose an eligible doctor or medical facility and then use the HSA to pay the costs.
With an Education Savings Account (ESA), a parent would establish an ESA for a student. The state would then deposit funds into that account, which the parent can then use for tuition at an eligible school or for other eligible education expenses. The deposit for the ESA would come from the state’s general fund, leaving property taxes and other sources of local revenue untouched for local public schools.
If passed, OAK’s Education Savings Account legislation (SF 3435) would provide a student with $7,000 or more per year to use for tuition at any eligible school.
